Sunday, April 6
- Church School 9:45
- Worship & Communion 10:30
- Diaconate meeting noon
- Food Network meeting 10:00
- Women’s Association noon
Bring a sandwich & come to this special program called "Living Well: Making every moment count" about the importance of seeing every day as a gift - Interfaith Counseling 3:00
- Thrift Shop 10:00–2:00
- Discussion Group 2:00
- Movie 4:00
- Community Supper 6:00
- Urban Clergy 10:00
- Brighton Historical Society 7:30
- Food Pantry special baskets 10–1
- Thrift Shop open 10–2
Sunday, April 13
- Church School 9:45
- Worship 10:30
- Building & Grounds Committee noon